Pathway to Purpose

We can start at the top of your organisation, we can start with you and your team, we can start with your audiences and public engagement plans, listening to communities you may not know exist. Whatever you feel isn’t working, get in touch.

Here are some ways I have already helped people and organisations find purpose, build trust and make change happen.

Purposeful and powerful narratives

Deep narratives govern how we think and what we choose to do but which govern you, your organisation and those you are trying to help? Are they creating fear or even discrimination? I can help you understand why those narratives matter and connect to narratives that build collaborations for change. 

Deep and purposeful public engagement and listening

Using relational listening methods, as I did with the charity Changing Lives, I will help you really hear your employees and communities, especially from those you know the least. We will see how they want your purpose to evolve, what they have learned as the world changed around them. We will learn how they can support you and you support them with a shared purpose. 

Purpose and values rethink

Do your vision, mission, purpose and values help you achieve your purpose? Do they make sense? A weak link in a purpose-driven organisation can be a mismatch between all of those important building blocks of a successful organisation – they can feel like just words of a page and that will impact on your legitimacy and authenticity. I will help you rethink what those words mean in practice and how your communities can help you live up to who you say you are.

Purpose-driven influencing strategies that change lives

You may have a clear purpose but can you be heard and valued as a purpose-driven social impact organisation? We will redirect your communications, influencing strategies and campaigns from ‘we tell you’ to building ideas and movements that are built by people, inspire people and which spur them into action.

Inquiries that listen deeply and learn openly 

I set up and managed several major public and internal inquiries that broke new ground for their lasting impact. As we reflect on the learnings of 2020-21, inquiries of all kinds must seek to listen, learn and heal. I can help your inquiry, however big or small, listen to communities that are seldom heard, building empathy, understanding and trust so that from crisis a new shared purpose and legitimate action plan can emerge.

Facilitation and leadership development 

I have facilitated and spoken at high level government and public sector meetings in the UK and worldwide to help leaders listen, learn and connect to achieve shared purpose. I have addressed Cabinet Secretaries, policy leaders, charity and think tank leaders. I also give talks to colleges and universities to inspire the next generation of changemakers. 

Book a consultation with me now

Nadine smith Consulting listening
Listening to young women from the Us Programme at CPI

I first met Nadine near the start of the pandemic when we were trying to understand how people we support at Changing Lives who face multiple disadvantages in their lives are experiencing lockdown. She has been pivotal in helping us explore how we can listen better to people during their most challenging of times. She has helped us realise the power of deep listening and inclusive sense making. Nadine has helped us realise the potential of this process; what this might mean for democracy, social cohesion and changing power dynamics. Re-imagining how we can raise the voices of people who are so seldom heard has never been more important and we are so excited to continue this journey with her.

Laura Seebohm
Executive Director, Changing Lives


Whether you are big or small, business, social enterprise, charity or public sector, let me help you find your purpose and connect you back to your employees and communities so that you are ready to thrive in this complex and fast-changing world.

See my LinkedIn for my full career profile spanning Whitehall, public inquiries, journalism, think tanks, management consulting and charities. 

Without purpose what is there, who are we? People need to feel your purpose is authentic, clear and right for the times. They seek and crave it in employers, for funding, for partnerships and for change. The world has changed, have you?

Nadine Smith

For a no obligation conversation get in touch by email, phone or connect with me on social

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